Quality Assessment

Research and Development

Research Focuses


Formaldehyde Testing Methods

We do not only test products regarding formaldehyde – we also apply our years of experience to further develop the testing procedures.


Gluing, Bonding and Adhesives

We develop and optimize adhesive systems for the production of wood-based materials and for wooden construction.

Current publications of our department

Here you will find current publications resulting from the research work carried out by our department. All publications made by the Fraunhofer WKI in trade journals and conference proceedings (since 1980) are recorded in the database “Fraunhofer-Publica”. Furthermore, all articles from a particular year are listed in our Annual Report.

Publication Type
2023 Laserspektroskopie als Schlüssel zur schnellen Emissionsprüfung und der Einfluss auf die Normung
Fleisch, Manuel; Meyer, Bettina
Conference Paper
2023 NUKAFI - Holzwerkstoffe aus Fichtenkalamitätsholz in Abhängigkeit der Holzqualität
Meinlschmidt, Peter; Ueckermann, Carola
Conference Paper
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica