Quality Assessment


The “Quality Assessment” department focuses on projects concerning formaldehyde testing methods as well as bonding, bonded joints and adhesives for products using and made from renewable raw materials. Within an interdisciplinary team, we develop solutions for and with customers from, amongst others, the forestry and timber, construction, furniture and chemical industries

In certified further training courses at our WKI | AKADEMIE®, we make available the expertise which we have gained from the contact to manufacturers and through our research work. Our department is furthermore internationally recognized as a testing, monitoring and certification body and is therefore a competent contact partner for all questions relating to TMC.

Important customer information


News / 20.7.2023


EU-wide regulation of formaldehyde limits from August 6, 2026: Fraunhofer WKI offers “REAC-H-CHO” certification for wood-based materials, furniture, construction products, interior of the road vehicles and other products.


News / 13.10.2021

Performing adhesive bonding work in timber construction

The Fraunhofer WKI has been recognized as an inspection body for the verification of the “suitability for the performance of adhesive bonding work for the manufacture of load-bearing timber components and glued laminated timber” and can issue certificates regarding this suitability, also known as “Leimgenehmigungen” (glue authorizations). 


News / 24.6.2021

UKCA labeling for building products

The Fraunhofer WKI is cooperating with the certification body the British Board of Agrément (BBA) with regard to UKCA labeling for building products. In doing so, the Fraunhofer WKI is helping companies from the construction industry to access the British market after Brexit.

Research Focuses


Formaldehyde testing methods

We do not only test products regarding formaldehyde – we also apply our years of experience to further develop the testing procedures.


Gluing, bonding and adhesives

We develop and optimize adhesive systems for the production of wood-based materials and for wooden construction.

PÜZ | Testing, Monitoring and Certification



We perform accredited tests concerning the release of formaldehyde as well as regarding the surface and mechanical properties of wood, wood-based materials and products produced therefrom. We also test adhesives and bondings for wooden construction.



We verify the compliance of your in-house production control with the standards requirements for the European, American and Japanese markets.



We certify building products in accordance with the Construction Products Regulation. Furthermore, we also certify wood-based materials regarding formaldehyde in Europe, America and Japan.

Further training and Technology transfer



With the WKI | AKADEMIE®, we offer you in-service training in the field of wood-based materials production and wood construction.


14th European Wood-based Panel Symposium

October 14 to 16, 2026
Hamburg, Germany


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