Bonding in wooden construction

Focus course of the WKI | AKADEMIE®

© Fraunhofer WKI

The WKI | AKADEMIE® offers the following courses under the topic “Bonding in timber construction”:

  • Specialist for bonding in wooden construction
  • Specialist for repair of load-bearing timber components using adhesives

Both focus courses are multi-day events and consist of defined training modules (see table). Basic knowledge is imparted on the execution of bonding work for the manufacture or repair of load-bearing timber components. The theoretical and practical contents are thereby closely coordinated.

For both courses, the WKI | AKADEMIE® offers its participants the option of a written examination. This can be used to prove successful participation in accordance with DIN 1052-10 and can be certified by the Fraunhofer WKI as a recognized testing body on the bonding of load-bearing timber components.   

Specialist for bonding in wooden construction x x x  
Specialist for repair of load-bearing timber components using adhesives x x x x
  • MODULE 1: Wood as a joining material – grading of sawn timber according to DIN 4074-1 and DIN 4074-5
  • MODULE 2: Basics of bonding technology
  • MODULE 3: Normative basics and requirements for bonded construction products
  • MODULE 4: Repair of bonded load-bearing timber components

Target group

Engineers for wood technology, timber construction, existing buildings/renovation, assessors, technologists, technicians and technical specialists

Through the cooperation with the Institut für Baukonstruktion und Holzbau (institute for building design and timber construction, iBHolz) of the Technische Universität Braunschweig, the course is also available as an optional subject to students of the Master's program in Civil Engineering specializing in wooden construction.

Sectors Prefabricated-house industry, glulam companies, processing of glued timber components, DIY and furniture stores
Venue Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research
- Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut WKI -
Riedenkamp 3
38108 Braunschweig
  • Specialist Bonding in wooden construction: 3 days (Monday to Wednesday)
  • Specialist repair: 5 days (Monday to Friday)
Certificate Certificate of participation
Language German
Training fee
  • Specialist bonding in wooden construction: € 1.800 per person (excl. VAT)
  • Specialist repair: € 3.000 per person (excl. VAT)

Included are lunch and drinks as well as course materials.

Current course dates of the WKI | AKADEMIE®

  • Eberswalde University for Sustainable Developement / February 24, 2025 - February 28, 2025

    Focus course:
    Bonding in wooden construction

    WKI | AKADEMIE - Schwerpunktkurs »Kleben im Holzbau«
    © Fraunhofer WKI

    Specialist for repair of load-bearing timber components using adhesives (5 days)
    incl. “Specialist for bonding in wooden construction”

    Basic knowledge is imparted on the execution of bonding work for the manufacture or repair of load-bearing timber components. A written examination can be taken in both courses. This can be used to prove successful participation in accordance with DIN 1052-10.

    In addition, the course is recognized by the Brandenburgische Ingenieurkammer BBIK (Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers) as further training with 40 points.

    more info

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