Online Seminar  /  February 18, 2014, 3 - 4 pm

Heat and humidity transport in wooden constructions – is calculation better than measurement?

Numerical simulation is an exceptionally important method for comprehending and understanding processes and conditions which are otherwise not visible.

During the development of building components and products, boundaries must be recognized and redefined. During analysis of their suitability for use, predictions concerning service life and changes in the characteristics during use are expected. For this purpose, simulation processes are indispensable. The models used in numerical simulation are often extremely complex; depending on the situation, even small errors lead to unrealistic results. In real-life construction, the practical approach is therefore usually preferred.  

Within the framework of the Webinar, the chances and risks, possibilities and boundaries of both practical experiments and numerical simulation will be demonstrated, within and also beyond the field of heat and humidity transport in wooden constructions. The Webinar therefore offers interesting and informative material for both craftsmen and students.      

We warmly invite you to take part in the Webinar and to discuss the subject with us.