Online Seminar  /  May 13, 2014, 15 - 16 Uhr

New WKI calculation model for formaldehyde


In 1974, Ib Andersen, Gunnar R. Lundqvist and Lars Mølhave publicized in their article »Liberation of formaldehyde from particleboard. A mathematical model« (Ugeskr. Læg. 1974: 136: 2145-2150) a mathematical model for the calculation of the formaldehyde release from particle boards into interior room air.

Based on this mathematical formula, the formaldehyde concentration forming in the air at a certain room temperature, the water content of the air, an air ventilation rate and an area load for the particle boards can be calculated.

Within the framework of the project, which was initiated by the Fraunhofer WKI with support from the International Association for Technical Issues Related to Wood, the question as to how valid the calculation model developed by Andersen et al. still is today should be answered. This was tested first and foremost on particle boards with considerably lower emission values than in 1975 and in a wider parameter range than determined by Andersen et al. The test implementation and the results of the project will be presented in this Webinar.