Online Seminar  /  November 17, 2015, 3 - 4 pm

Extremely elusive: Very Volatile Organic Compounds


Volatile organic substances which are released into the indoor air of buildings by building products and furnishings have been intensively studied over the past few decades. In Germany and a number of neighboring countries, emissions from building products are regulated within the framework of the European Construction Products Regulation. The Ausschuss für Innenraumrichtwerte (Commission for indoor air values, AIR) is compiling substance-specific guideline values for indoor air including, for the first time, a number of so-called very volatile organic compounds (VVOC).

The group of very volatile organic compounds has, until now, been insufficiently studied. In the Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research WKI’s 34th Webinar, on 17th November 2015, these compounds will therefore be presented with respect to their relevance to indoor air hygiene, and the current state of knowledge regarding the definition of VVOC and analytical detection possibilities will be explained. Furthermore, the Webinar will provide an outlook on the future handling of VVOC, a subject in which the Fraunhofer WKI, in co-operation with representatives from the industry, is intensively involved through a research project.

The Webinar on 17.11.2015 is aimed at all those who are concerned with emissions from building products and furnishings as well as the air quality in indoor rooms.