Online Seminar  /  January 26, 2016, 15:00 – 16:00

Veneer news: Laminated materials from wood


A recent development at the Fraunhofer WKI, involving a veneer lathe combined with a mobile steam pit, has enabled the researchers to flexibly and self-sufficiently produce laminated materials from wood. They are thereby able to simulate the manufacturing process from the wood yard through to the finished product for their customers.

The experts are now conducting research into the use of alternative wood species for laminated materials and are developing new products from veneers, e.g. for vehicle construction. Furthermore, they are examining the material behavior under force-free and force-induced loads, as load-bearing materials and components must exhibit statistically-validated properties. Due to the absence of comprehensive testing, these items have only been used in less demanding areas until now. The production-integrated quality control of veneers therefore now forms the focus of the scientists. Through ultrasound-excited thermography, they are able to recognize, for example, cracks in veneer which would interfere with the further production. The researchers' goal is the implementation of the automatic recognition into the manufacturing process.