Further training  /  February 24, 2025  -  February 28, 2025

Focus course:
Bonding in wooden construction

In cooperation with the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Developement,the WKI | AKADEMIE® offers the following course under the topic “Bonding in timber construction”:

Specialist for repair of load-bearing timber components using adhesives
incl. “Specialist for bonding in wooden construction”
5 days: Monday to Friday

Basic knowledge is imparted on the execution of bonding work for the manufacture or repair of load-bearing timber components. A written examination can be taken in both courses. This can be used to prove successful participation in accordance with DIN 1052-10.

In addition, the course is recognized by the Brandenburgische Ingenieurkammer BBIK (Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers) as further training with 40 points.